It's a little less than a week before my art friends arrive here in Chicago. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach and should be straightening things up around the house. But what do I do? I paint. Painting Koi is such a meditative practice. I think therapists around the world would do wonders with their patients if they just put a brush in the hands of the anxious and instructed them to paint these magic fishes!
What beautiful reflections and movement! Just amazing. Have fun with the Art Colony folks, they'll understand, when you're on a roll, you just gotta go.... with it! What is the size of this image?
Mary, this is beautiful ... truly beautiful. I do understand that call to paint when other matters fill your To Do List ... just PAINT! See you soon.
Guy! How lovely to hear from you! Thank you for your nice comments. This painting is 13 x 14". I hope to do a series of koi, (as does every other artist on the block, ha!)The water was very addicting to paint.
As for the Art Colony gals...they are coming on Friday! There will be 10 of us all together. You know what that means....TROUBLE! We'll try to behave though...
Nita, thank you! I can't wait to meet you in person on Friday. It's getting so close I can hardly believe it!
Mary, tidy up after we leave !!
Hmm..13 x 14..should fit into my carryon bag nicely.
WONDERFUL painting. Great relflections !
Ah...there's "trouble" with a captital "J"! LOL! Thanks for stopping in dear Janet. Chicago won't be the same after you leave...
Mary this is simply fabulous! I love the abstract thought required to [un] paint those reflections! Only a watercolorist would get it.
So great to see the photos of you guys all together in Chicago. Made me feel so far away. Maybe one day... meantime... more painting... writing... LOL
Mary this is simply fabulous! I love the abstract thought required to [un] paint those reflections! Only a watercolorist would get it.
So great to see the photos of you guys all together in Chicago. Made me feel so far away. Maybe one day... meantime... more painting... writing... LOL
How wonderful to hear from you Jean! And thank you! I did have more fun than usual painting this particular piece. While I was with the art gals last week I took more koi reference shots and will paint a series on this theme.
I still harbor the hope that we will meet in person some day. Please know that if you ever make it to Chicago you have a place to stay with us if you choose! In the meanwhile...keep up that painting...writing...you are a gifted woman through and through!
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